Patience is what you are forced to do when there are too many witnesses πŸ˜‚

Published on 26 September 2024 at 13:19

Let’s talk about patience. You know, that virtue everyone claims to have until the Wi-Fi is slow, the line is long, or someone says "let's circle back to this later"….


Think about it. Have you ever noticed how patient we are when others are around? It's like, you're in a long line, and there are ten people behind you. You can't just scream "Hurry up!" because, well, you’ve got an audience.

Instead, you smile like a deranged lunatic, nod, and pretend you’re totally Zen about the whole thing.

"Oh, no problem, take your time!" Meanwhile, inside, you're plotting the downfall of the entire human race.πŸ˜‚


That’s not patience—that’s performance !!!


See, true patience happens when nobody’s watching. When you’re stuck in traffic alone, cursing like a sailor and contemplating if you could, just maybe, drive over the car in front of you.
That’s the real stuff. But we can't always do that.

We can't lose it every time someone asks a stupid question in a meeting or spends 10 minutes counting coins at checkout. No, we smile, breathe deeply, and wait. Not because we want to—but because there are witnesses. And society says we must play nice.


But let’s be honest: Isn’t it more fun to just live authentically? Sometimes, patience means knowing when to walk away, or at least knowing when to avoid throwing your computer out the window when someone says, "Can you send that in an email?"


The next time you feel your patience slipping away, just remember: It’s only a virtue when there are eyes on you. Otherwise, go ahead—roll those eyes, mutter under your breath, and have a little fun with it πŸ˜‰

Enjoy it hun! 


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